How to change PowerRouter Running User?
To change the running user of PowerRouter, it is necessary to restart PowerRouter with the new user profile. The new user should have a PowerRouter license and be assigned the PowerRouter Admin permission set to access PowerRouter. Users with administrative access to PowerRouter can also modify PowerRouter settings to start or stop the application.
Granting Licenses to Users:
To assign licenses to users, please follow the steps below:
Navigate to Salesforce Setup from the top right menu in your Salesforce Org.
In the Quick Find Search bar, type “Installed Packages” and press Enter.
Click on “Installed Packages” from the search results. This will display a list of all installed packages.
Click on “Manage Licenses” next to PowerRouter.
To add licenses, click on “Add Users”.
A list of available users will be displayed. To add a user, click the checkbox beside their name.
As you select users, a list of selected users will appear in the “Selected Users” section. Click on the “Add” button to add the selected users.
Congratulations! You have successfully assigned PowerRouter licenses to users.
Grant access using Permission Sets
To assign permission sets:
From Setup, navigate to Users | Permission Sets.
Click on Power Router Admin.
Click on Manage Assignments.
Click on Add Assignments.
Select Users and click on Assign.
Click Done to confirm.
Steps to Re-start PowerRouter:
Login to Salesforce using the new Admin User account.
Click on the App Launcher in Salesforce.
Search for PowerRouter in the search bar and click on the PowerRouter app to open it.
Click on PowerRouter(Lightning).
Click on the Settings icon, followed by Stop PowerRouter in Scheduler under General settings.
Click on Start PowerRouter. After PowerRouter is started and the workflow is published, PowerRouter will begin assigning leads.